2nd month favourites


NoseFrida – The Snotsucker


Doctor invented and recommended, NoseFrida is your go-to natural, hygienic baby booger buster. It’s totally safe (for parents AND baby), so you can say “sayonara” to snotty noses.

My take: our doctor told us baby nostrils + airway are very fragile in the early stages and that nothing should be suctioned or inserted. So we let it be for a while but once the weather started to cool and the air became dry, we noticed that Heston was getting stuffy. At first I let it go, just listening to our doctor’s advice… but researching I realized that babies can’t control breathing from their nose to mouth like we adults can. He sounded like he was struggling to breathe so obviously I went into panic mode. I immediately asked John to research and he found amazing recommendations for the NoseFrida Snotsucker. I thought it looked and sounded gross…omg, suctioning boogers? Disgusting! John is definitely going to be doing that part. We picked it up the very next day. A good tip, you can use saline water (get the one meant for babies) to help soften the goods, and then use the sucker. It works like magic!! (and don’t worry, nothing makes it all the way to your mouth). We use it every other day and highly recommend this product.

Fisher-Price Rocker


Bouncy seat for soothing and entertaining and can switch on calming vibrations to help soothe

My take: this product was an absolute life saver! My sister-in-law had an extra bouncer that she gave us. Before this, we would have to manually rock him but with this bouncer, I would place him (I took off the toy bar) in the rocker and use my feet to manually bounce him. It was simply the best thing ever. I can now watch TV, rock with my foot and eat!!! I can use both my hands to do other things while putting Heston to sleep. I still use the rocker to this day and don’t want to think what will happen when he gets too big for it. Absolutely recommend this if you want a little breather and the ability to multitask. Note: we also have the mamaRoo by 4moms and found this great early on when Heston was a newborn but even with all of its bells and whistles, it can’t compete with this simple Fisher-Price rocker!

VicTsing Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier


My take: we needed a humidifier. The weather had cooled and our place was getting really dry. Most humidifiers are clunky, noisy, leak prone, and at this stage Heston was sleeping in our room. We wanted something sleek (not kiddie looking), quiet and that worked well. John did his research and found this humidifier which we love. We fill it every other night and that’s it. It releases cool mist into the air, it is super quiet and we think the best looking one out there! Very happy with this product.

Hevea Soother


Original HEVEA, Natural Rubber Star & Moon Orthodontic Pacifier. Plastic-free and 100% natural rubber latex. No PVC, BPA, phthalates and artificial colours. Uniquely designed ventilation holes and hygienic solid design eliminates bacteria. The ergonomically butterfly shape gives space for nose and chin and prevents vacuum around the mouth.

My take: their description had me sold. I love their soothers; and my favourite part, the soother being all one piece!

Play Gym

My take: it was Heston’s next part of development. He needed a play gym to distract him. There are great options but knowing how quickly they grow up and out of things, I decided to save money and build a play gym myself. It was super easy to do, I followed instructions from this link https://themerrythought.com/diy/diy-wooden-baby-gym/ I didn’t have time to purchase the hanging parts (easy to find online), so I decided to use hand-me-downs from sis in law. She had colourful toys that she had used to wrap around her kids stroller and I just used these for the play gym. At this stage, it was perfect because Heston started to recognize colour. He would just stare at them. He was still too young to grab them and interact with them.

After a month, we did receive a gift – a Fischer-Price play gym that Heston loves. At that time, he had started having better control of his arms and legs and this play gym has hanging pieces that he would grab and interacts with. It also comes with a keyboard down by his feet that would make sounds when he kicks. This play gym keeps him busy long enough for me to cook, watch my shows, and have a little break. Here’s the link to the Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick + Play Piano Gym https://www.fisher-price.com/en_CA/products/Deluxe-Kick-and-Play-Piano-Gym

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