What is an NFT?

NFTs are best understood as computer files combined with proof of ownership and authenticity, like a deed. Like cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, they exist on a blockchain – a tamper-resistant digital public ledger. But like dollars, cryptocurrencies are “fungible,” meaning one bitcoin is always worth the same as any other bitcoin. By contrast, NFTs have unique valuations set by the highest bidder.

Artists who want to sell their work as NFTs have to sign up with a marketplace, then “mint” digital tokens by uploading and validating their information on a blockchain (typically the Ethereum blockchain).

Digital art has long been undervalued, in large part because it’s so freely available. To help artists create financial value for their work, NFTs add the crucial ingredient of scarcity. For some collectors, if they know the original version of something exists, they’re more likely to crave the “authentic” piece.*

What Are NFTs Used For?

Blockchain technology and NFTs afford artists a unique opportunity to monetize their wares. An artist no longer has to rely on galleries or auction houses to sell their art. Instead, the artist can sell it directly to the collector as an NFT.*

Find my NFTs HERE:
1/1 artwork:



editions + collectibles: 




Virtual gallery of my NFTs:  coming soon

More information on NFTs and where to start… see link below:


**information from: HERE and HERE

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